Design and Craft
Design and Craft as a subject has been compulsory since 2016 for all elementary schools. You would think this subject is just a merger of art and woodwork, but the ideology is greater. The purpose of the very versatile subject ‘Design and Craft’ is to ensure students acquire knowledge and skills in craft, fabrication, materials and design processes through practical theory in workshops, learning different working techniques using primarily textile, wood and metal. The room must accommodate several subjects offering possibilities for teamwork, concentration, space and clarity. This is why the rooms furniture has an important significance to the usability, providing a successful experience for the learning environment. There must be room to work on large subjects using lots of different materials. It is important to create rooms that are clear, spacious and secure for these purposes. There should also be plenty of cabinets adapted for the various application requirements. The cabinets manufactured must be robust, durable and fit for any purpose. There may also be the need for storage of toxic chemicals that must be kept in a locked cabinet with ventilation or the possibility of cabinets for displaying fabricated subjects. Display cabinets can be delivered with large display doors including internal LED lighting for illumination of the entire cabinet height. Zystm Learn is a guarantor of delivering thought-through durable solutions.